Essence of Mulranny

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Linda Robertson

Linda Robertson

I create imagined landscapes with lush botanical forms and vibrant colors reminiscent of places I've loved, like my childhood home in Hawaii and my current home in the US Pacific Northwest. It has always been a priority for me to live close to inspiring natural areas because of the impact it has on my work and my state of mind. Being surrounded by such beauty has always had a strong influence on the colors and forms that I incorporate into my paintings. I feel the pull to paint my impressions of these places even when they are just a warm memory on a cold day.

Taking time to study the natural world relaxes me and balances my emotions in stressful times. I want my paintings to be reminders that we are not separate from nature and that our future is rooted in helping her thrive.

Linda Robertson is a nationally recognized artist, art instructor, and author of the Embracing Encaustic book series. She has exhibited her work throughout the United States and has been a featured speaker and instructor at schools and art conferences in the United States and Canada for 20 years. Linda's Creative Connections community brings together a supportive group of artists who create together online to make meaningful connections and inspire new work.



Instagram: @embracingencaustic

Classes with Linda Robertson

Community Paint Party

For years, Linda has enjoyed bringing people together to create and share art. Although the pandemic has changed how this can happen, she has remained focused on the artistic community and the benefits that we can offer one another.

In this video you’ll be painting along with a few folks in Linda’s Creative Connections group, where she meets virtually with other artists to work and learn together. Join us in a painting challenge where Linda will encourage you to experiment with limiting your palette, letting go to follow your instincts, and working within a time limit to encourage big, bold moves. Painting is fun, and working with other artists makes it even better. Ready, set, paint!

Secret Messages

Artists often include hidden messages in their work for others to discover, but when was the last time you left a message for yourself? Or left one out in public just to make someone smile? Secret messages are exciting to give and to receive!

In this workshop, Linda takes you on a journey to create beautifully mysterious notes that you’ll seal with wax until they are ready to be revealed. It could be a letter you write to yourself; a favorite quote or song lyric that inspires you; or perhaps a photo or drawing you want to share with the world. Using a variety of techniques, Linda will guide you through creating your own precious and unique secret messages.