Sue Stover


Sue Stover

Sue Stover

Susan Stover is a San Francisco Bay Area artist who creates paintings and sculptures that explore themes of cultural identity and mythology. With the study of ethnic patterns and of utilitarian and sacred objects in non-western cultures, her work embraces ritual, tradition, and meditation through repetitive labor.

Susan received a MFA from California College of Art in Oakland, California and a BFA from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Her paintings are in many private collections and in 2016 was commissioned for several pieces for the American Ag Credit headquarters in Windsor, CA. Her work was featured on the cover and in the lead article of the Sur- face Design Journal Winter 2016 issue and has been included in The Art of Expressive Collage by Crystal Neubauer, Studio Visit, and Gathering Clouds – A Magazine of Con- temporary Art. She teaches workshops in her northern California studio, other locations in the U.S., and internationally.



Instagram: @susanstoverart

Classes with Sue Stover

Dimensional Textiles and Encaustic

The marriage of textiles and wax is one made in heaven. The wax can transform the flexible and fluid characteristics of fiber leading to new sculptural possibilities. As fiber absorbs wax it becomes rigid in relatively little time. This course explores the potential of combining these two mediums as a means for expressing individual concepts in three dimensions. Participants will work with various textile structures such as coiling, looping, wrapping, crochet and knitting to create forms that will be embedded and dipped in encaustic. Materiality is what attracts us to these two mediums and students are encouraged to question how they think about their materials and how they are using it to communicate their ideas. Participants can apply these methods to create wall sculpture or free standing work.

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